
I’m going to be as human as I can possibly be
Squishy skin, flesh, smelly organs and all
Down to the web of skeletal labyrinths that hold me
An unapologetic reflection of my being and all

Maybe that’s what it’s all about, maybe it’s not
Maybe it’s as inescapable as our warm pudding core
It’s in the lattice of tunnels filled with bloody knots
It’s in the dark focused abyss lurking behind our eyeballs

Have you met alice

Last night I met alice
In the pit of the crowd
In the heart of the music
She was beautiful in every flaw
In every single face I saw
Oh alice you feel my soul
Oh alice don’t you go
Its a pleasure to meet you alice
Oh what a lovely pleasure it is
In the swarm of lights, in sea of consciousness
Have a great night alice
We’ll meet again
In the warm winter rain
In cold summer showers
I love you alice, I said it right here

Uma’s words

It’s a cold dark world when you’re losing your mind
It’s a highway to the grave when you’re losing your time

I’ve considered this on so many levels
That if I ever lost my marbles
I know you’d search every nook and cranny
You’re the only one that truly understands me
You’d be Courtney if I ever went Cobain
You’d say Molly if I ever said cocaine
The morphine to all my pain
You’d cover me like a stain
I know you’re always there with some food and some wine
And some sweet words to rest my mind
You’d always keep me dreaming, talking about better times

Holding me so I never lose myself into my mind

And then I wonder why you don’t leave me
Because I need you more than you need me

Especially times when I became too much to bear with

And I begged you to leave me helpless
Maybe it’s Love, maybe it’s pity
Maybe it’s the dreams we held dearly
I don’t know but….
I’m glad you’re here with some food and some wine
And some sweet words to ease my mind

Letter to Uma

I attract a certain breed of humans
And I feel my story is close to Truman
And we haven’t spoke in two months
So tell me something Uma
Because my heart is holding too much
And my eyes are wetting too much

Tears dripping from my chin, please don’t let me down
Clutching onto your hands, please don’t let me down
If the waters ever run too deep, please don’t let me drown
I know I might be a handful but I always come around

Uma give me some reason to fly once again
Heavy wings give you nothing but a back full of pain


If I reached for you would you hold your breath
Or let it all flow through the lungs beneath your chest?
Have you lived? Have ever felt like death?
Have you ever wanted to sink to menacing depths?
Would you come with me just to see
All the beautiful things that nature dreams?
If I reached for you would you hold your breath
Or would you reach out for us to connect?

An ode to Gwen

It bothered me for the longest time
Nagging in it’s pointless rhyme
It was everywhere, unavoidable
On the radio and even on cable
And I wondered about it’s very existence
She was repeatedly screaming out that sentence
Its melody, the yells, the drums
Beckoning you to rhythms and hums
Its simplicity was perplexing
Its catchiness was vexing
The marching band went on and on
The cheerleaders had all the fun
I forgot about it but sometimes I still hear her yell
And I wonder “What the hell is a hollaback girl?”

An ode to gwen stefani

Tell me

So tell me what you learnt on your selfish little journey
How you found yourself by completely losing me
How you lost the game when it was only stage 3
And left the rest of the 97 here for me
Don’t look at me with eyes like you didn’t mean to leave
And don’t hold me with those hands I don’t know where they’ve been
I know it wasn’t perfect but nothing ever is
But I thought every moment was worth living in

You said you were dying here and you needed to leave
You were my air and I needed to breathe
While you were dying on your feet, I was living on my knees
You dropped me off in hell and ran for your dreams
You left without goodbye just a note on the sheets
Though I know more than anyone here you deserved to be free
One question still plagues my mind before I sleep
Who’s really selfish is it you or is it me?

Across timelines

I think I met you in a previous life
A better one, a simpler time
You were the king, I was your maid
I watched in awe as you were made

I’m sure of it, without a doubt
The moment those words burst out your mouth
You embraced my essence with your soul
My mind and my body felt at home

I’m sure I met you in a previous life
A better one, a simpler time
You told me tales from far away
With the wind in my hair I sang away

I held on to my beauty and vanity
I crossed the timelines of humanity
Space and time perplexes me
As you introduce me to a memory

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